Butterfly Botanics
The following is an active conceptual logo design and personal branding project.
Any similarities to actual existing companies or brands is purely coincidental.

Butterfly Botanics is a public conservatory that enriches its community with a large variety of beautiful and exotic plant species year-round. Aside from being a peaceful place to explore, it has established its own brand that offers sustainable plant-based products that are grown organically and naturally made.

The branding for Butterfly Botanics is heavily inspired by nature (of course). It takes the traditional and classic route of using earth tones, with a unique twist- a pop of a bright and bold color. Similarly, its visual elements are clean and relatively simple, yet effective, including vector-based illustrations and plant and nature photography as well as product photography with a minimalist approach.

Color Palette
The inspiration behind the orange comes from the royally beautiful monarch butterfly. This monarch orange is to be used with and only with the icon mark. It is bright and bold and intended to be an eye-catching pop of color in a primarily earthy palette. The color palette includes Forest Green, which is self-explanatory for a botanic brand, and Limestone White, which is an ode to processes of nature. These are the two primary colors across the brand. Secondary colors are Sand Brown and Spring Green, both of which also allude to nature and its components.

Branded Materials
Like any other public space that is visited by tourists, Butterfly Botanics has a large collection of gift shop souvenirs, promotional items, and merch!
Likewise, it is crucial for such a brand to have multiple logo variations and/or the appropriate imagery to accommodate the different kinds of products.
The following are samples of branded materials.

Available Butterfly Botanics products include pantry items as well as self-care and hygiene products such as lotions and soaps; and fragrances as well as essential oils made carefully using ingredients grown in none other than Butterfly Botanics Conservatory.
The following are samples of label designs for various products.
Product Labels